About Acharya Nikhil Sh
Acharya Nikhil is a highly skilled and respected astrologer having a deep-rooted knowledge of principles, ethics, and laws of Vedic astrology, KP system, Lal Kitab, Vastu shastra, AshtakVarga, and Face Reading.
He has garnered a gripping command over these astrological branches and also conducted extensive research on the broad and rare aspects of these astrological divisions. He has successfully carved out solutions to these rare aspects, Nakshatras, doshas, and Yogas to bring a complete transformation into human lives.
He hails an experience of more than a decade and served countless clients during this tenure. He is fluent in Hindi, Punjabi, and Sanskrit languages making him widely accessible. Contact him and let go-off your worries.
Shastri from Guru Nanak Dev University
Focus Area
Vedic, KP System, Lal Kitab, Vastu, Ashtakvarga, Face Reading