About Acharyaa Sarika M
Acharyaa Sarika is a well-learned astrologer who has been practicing the incredible art of astrology for a semi-decade. She has collected a good level of knowledge and experience in this field and has gracefully developed her expertise in several significant subfields of astrology which are Vedic, Vastu, Tarot Reading, Numerology, Ashtakvarga, Tajik, and Muhurta.
Acharyaa Sarika and her prudent, long-sighted cures and solutions have successfully helped people overcome their personal and professional issues. The talented astrologer Acharyaa Sarika has a humble nature, and her suggestions are always successful. She provides consultation for all areas of life. Please get in touch with Acharyaa Sarika if you have any issues!
Bachelor of Commerce from University of Delhi
Focus Area
Vedic, Tarot Reading, Numerology, Vastu, Prashna/Horary, Muhurta, Ashtakvarga, Tajik
Certified as a Professional Tarot Card Reader from All India Federation of Astrologers Society
Certified as Tarot Master from All India Federation of Astrologers Society
Certified as a Professional Numerologist from All India Federation of Astrologers Society
Jyotish Prabhakar from All India Federation of Astrologers Society
Jyotish Bhushan from All India Federation of Astrologers Society
Jyotish Ratna from All India Federation of Astrologers Society
Jyotish Shastracharya from All India Federation of Astrologers Society
Diploma in Predictive Astrology from All India Federation of Astrologers Society